We believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, lived a cross shaped life*, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come again to judge the living and the dead. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy universal church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
* We have added in this line as we believe it bridges the gap between Jesus’ birth and death with a statement about his remarkable life as servant king.
We acknowledge today that we have come together
to be reminded of the go of Christ.
So, we’ll go and feed the hungry,
We’ll go and clothe the naked,
We’ll go and fight for justice,
We’ll go and end oppression,
We’ll go and proclaim anew the old old story,
We’ll go and reach those who are running from God and God’s Church,
We’ll go and associate with those who don’t look like us, talk like us, don’t act like us and even don’t like us.
And we’ll do it all in the name of the one who sent us,
His name is Jesus!
Each week at Westcity we say the above paragraph as our benediction.
We do this because we believe that the purpose of the church is to be a caring community for the world. Because we believe we aren’t just called to make a living but to make a difference.
To be a city on a hill that can’t be hidden.
We also believe that as we ‘go’ and serve others we enter into Christ’s work of welcome, restoration and healing both for ourselves and others.
That when we come alongside those on the margins we see and encounter Christ.
Westcity Values:
At Westcity, as a Church we commit to becoming and being a community that is:
- Welcoming by finding ways to ensure people find their place and discover friendship.
- Inclusive by demonstrating wholehearted acceptance of others irrespective of our points of difference and challenge.
- Loving in overlooking offence, extending friendship, offering care and support, being truthful and practicing at all times the radical welcome of Jesus.
- Compassionate towards those less able, less willing and less empowered to represent themselves and their needs.
- Kind as an active practice of love; always putting forward and looking for ways to show people their value and worth.
- Peace-seeking in every situation (non-violent). This is not passivity, nor fight or flight, but the third way of fighting back with radical love that gives dignity to the oppressed while at the same time holding onto the hope of transformation for the aggressors.
These are the core values that we as a church community feel we must share in order to grow and function together as a body (albeit a flawed one), that seeks to be a healthy community of welcome, reflective of Jesus in all that we do.
Westcity Practices:
At Westcity, the practices we have discovered, that help us to live as Jesus’ community are:
- Peacemaking (Anabaptist example)
- Sacramental (The table, baptism, washing feet)
- Charismatic expression (The Spirit of Life)
Click HERE (on the gold font) for a copy of the ‘Westcity Way Handbook – for Visitors’ (which contains a more detailed explanation on our values and practices).
Following Jesus is not a set of tasks, or a life of intense religious fervour. It is more like a life-long apprenticeship to a master craftsperson. There will be obedient tasks and moments of transcendent faith but these happen as we just keep following. Keep walking.
In the words of many who have gone before us, it is a pilgrimage.It is a thirst that every person has, but not everyone has their thirst quenched. And so not everyone experiences the adventure that lies before all who take the risk. Because there is risk in deciding to follow Jesus.
There is the risk that you will leave things that you once thought important, or even vital. There is a risk that you will discover a way of being that is not punctuated by all the traits that make up business-as-usual. And there is a serious risk that you might become someone you like, and know deep down is worthwhile and loved. You might even find yourself liking and even loving others in the same way!
So, pilgrimage will mean there is stuff being left behind, stuff being discovered, and milestones being reached. Or, you could say that on any pilgrimage we are always leaving, discovering, and renewing. At least, that is what we hope is being encouraged in the Westcity Way, as we have a crack at loving God, loving others, and following Jesus.
Teaching Team
We are grateful to our much-loved community members and Pastors who form our ‘Teaching Team’ and regularly share their stories, as part of our Sunday messages.
Phil, Kelley, Dawn, Ky, Kathleen, Theo, Chin, Josh P, Neil, Lauren, Travis and others.